We need your help

This is our first ever survey conducted in order to gather users feedback regarding their experience with the Themosis framework.

Please visit the following URL to start the survey:

Thank you in advance for your help!

A note about the survey

The survey is mainly collecting information regarding your development experience in general and with the Themosis framework. It doesn’t ask for detailed personal information and the data is only for our own use.

Since the release of the Themosis framework, I have personnally received many messages from developers having issues with the framework. The main one being how to organize code application files and how to manage a project with the framework.

Now with the upcoming 2.0 release, bundled with a great foundation, I’m looking to provide a video training serie in order to help newcomers build a great application with WordPress and the Themosis framework as well as shaping professional services.

In the meantime of setting everything up, I invite you to complete the survey. It will only take you 3 minutes. Please head over the following URL to start it:

And if you have any questions regarding the survey or about the framework, just ask in the comments section below 🙂
