Themosis framework 2.0 released

Finally! We're pleased to announce the Themosis framework 2.0 stable release public availability. Let's quickly summarize some of new features and changes coming with this new release!


If you want to quickly start a new project with the Themosis framework 2.0, please head over to the official documentation:

or directly run the Composer create-project command like so:

composer create-project themosis/themosis your-application-name

Tell me more

We previously talked about coming features and changes in last month article. The today article is only to list them but if you want more information, please read the “State of the Themosis framework” article or dig into the official documentation.


  • Application directory structure
  • Laravel 5.8 support
  • Laravel packages compatibility
  • WooCommerce support
  • Full integration of the “illuminate/routing” package
  • Laravel service providers auto-discovery
  • WordPress Mu-Plugins autoloader
  • CLI Tool
  • Logging and Exception handler
  • Authentication
  • Form API
  • Field API + ReactJS and RestAPI driven metabox fields
  • Support for the “illuminate/validation” package
  • Database migration
  • Laravel Mix support
  • Support for the “illuminate/config” package
  • Simplified .env management
  • Tasks scheduler
  • Scaffolding commands
  • Theme boilerplate
  • Plugin boilerplate
  • Blade @template directive
  • Support for the “illuminate/cache” package
  • Support for the “illuminate/session” package

and more tiny enhancements to ease your WordPress application development.

In order to get started with this new release, please visit the documentation website:

Thanks to contributors

Many thanks to the people who helped us shape the new version of the Themosis framework, from feedback to pull requests and code reviews.

Feel free to start a conversation below if you have any questions or simply want to post nice comments 🙂

Is it backward compatible ?

No… at least not by running a simple composer update command. The new version has been refactored. It now provides a more verbose API and with it, some breaking changes unfortunately.

Nonetheless, it is still possible to upgrade to the 2.0 release if you have an application running on a 1.3.* version. It is a manual process but we have provided a list of elements to look after in the “upgrade guide” on the official documentation website.

Do you have a moment please ?

We’re also conducting a short survey regarding user experience with the Themosis framework. We would really appreciate your feedback and your help to get the word ouf of it. Please click on the link below to start fill in the survey, thank you!